Category Archives: Quick Subnets

Quick Subnets 1.0.6 Now Available!

Quick Subnets 1.0.6 is now available in the Palm App Catalog!  The fix in 1.0.5 had its own flaw that I didn’t notice until it was submitted.  If you find a bug or have a feature you would like to see built in, feel free to send suggestions to

Quick Subnets 1.0.5 Submitted to Palm

Quick Subnets has been updated to version 1.0.5 and has been submitted to Palm. Here is the update info:

Update in 1.0.5

– Fixed labeling for Network and Broadcast addresses. No longer labeled “Min IP” and “Max IP”

– Changed help screen to display properly on the Palm Pixi.

– Corrected error where the Network and Broadcast addresses would generate impossible IPs if a number larger than 254 was entered.

Also, Quick Subnets has had over 1500 downloads! Thanks for downloading everyone!

Quick Subnets now in Palm’s App Catalog!

Quick Subnets has been accepted by Palm!  My page for it is available in the link or in the above menu.  Otherwise you can view Palm’s page for it, where it gives you options to send it to your phone or post it to Twitter / Facebook.

Also, there have been over 700 downloads since it was accepted on 7/28/10.  I hope everyone is finding it useful!  Please send any comments / issues to